How do I apply?
As this is our first TEDx event in Leicester we expect more applications than we have places and that a selection will have to be made: we will do our best to include a wide range of people and views – please register an interest on the form below.
The full cost of a ticket will be £50, to include talks, lunch and refreshments. A limited number of concessions will be available for students and those on low income. Payment will not need to be made until you have a confirmed place.
We are inviting all interested to apply for a place by the following process:
- Completing the Application Form below. You will be registered on our database as showing interest and your answers to the questions on the form will be fed into background information for the event.
- By completing the application form you are consenting to your information being held on a database and all but the contact details being used to inform the event.
- Submitting the application by Friday March 20th 2015
- If the event is oversubscribed, applicants will be told of the outcome of their application by March 25th
- Successful applicants will be asked to reserve a ticket by forwarding payment by April 8th. Unsuccessful applicants will be placed on a waiting list.
- Places not being taken up / paid for by April 8th will be offered to those on the waiting list.